When I restarted this blog I had intended to comment one by one on some of my favorite images that Chuck has created over the last several years. This time I decided to share some images from our trips to New York City. When I went back through them I simply couldn't select just one, so this blog starts with a series of my favorites. Even then I had to pass by dozens of others that I could have included. You can see many more in the New York City portfolio here at Wayne Addington Images. Many of these images are for sale at our GeoGalleries.com site in the Destinations - NYC collection (https://geogalleries.com/WAIowner/17520/1/).
There are five images in this blog post: 'Soar 2', 'gen.tri.fi.ca.tion', 'Right House, Which Floor?', 'Midtowne Stroll', and 'Times Square II'. In a departure from our usual methodology, two of these images (Soar 2, and gen.tri.fi.ca.tion) had their original source photos shot by a close friend of ours who is herself a terrific artist working in the fused glass medium. She also happens to be a fabulous photographer and when we saw some of her NYC photos we asked and she gave permission for us to use them in our art. The other three are based on photos we shot during our visits to Manhattan.
NYC is a wonderful place. What we've discovered over our many visits is that New York--like most places--is a collection of communities where people live & work & shop & play...just like most any other place--except these communities reside in the midst of one of the world's greatest cities. It is a wonderful place to walk. The terrain is flat and a simple grid, and there is absolutely no shortage of amazing things to see, experience, taste, enjoy. The 'gen.tri.fi.ca.tion' image is taken from a shot in lower Manhattan adjacent to Ground Zero. The lower third of the image is actually a mural painted on the side of a building and provides contrast to the World Trade Center buildings in the rest of the image. 'Soar 2' is a composite of images shot in mid & lower Manhattan. It includes one of our trademark features--reflections from the windows of buildings. In this case the reflections accentuate the balance between old & new.
'Right House, Which Floor?' is a building we happened to walk by on the Upper West Side while we were headed to lunch. It was only about a block or two off Central Park and we fell in love with its curves. 'Times Square II' and 'Midtowne Stroll' both result from the many walks we've taken in central Manhattan. Our intent was to capture not just buildings, but the movement and energy, the sound, the endless demand for your attention and the feast of input that surrounds you. It is at once rich as well as chaotic . We love the place. We hope you enjoy these images.
You can find these in the New York portfolio here on Wayne Addington Images, but they are available as prints (or canvases, framed pieces, etc.) on our GeoGalleries site: (https://geogalleries.com/WAIowner/17520/1/). These works are particularly well suited for very large print or canvas presentation. If you visit Geo and don't find a size or format that you're interested in just use the Contact Us button on the page and we'll get back to you.
All the best! --Scott