Zoom Backgrounds for the New Year

January 02, 2021  •  Leave a Comment

ZOOM Background MauiZOOM Background MauiSONY DSC

The understatement of the year may be that 2020 was a troubling year. It has been much more than just 'troubling' for so many. One of the consequences of the restrictions on movement has been the work-from-home migration. Zoom will almost certainly take on new definitions in the OED.

We have been fast at work over the last several years creating a great deal of art, but one of the latest projects has been to build some Zoom backgrounds to help add a little interest (or mirth) to the conference calls that many of us are almost certainly still experiencing either with work or family.

To that end, here is a link (https://images.wayneadd.com/p373544253)

to our Zoom Backdrops portfolio here in WAI. The portfolio has over forty images that have been designed with Zoom specifications to serve as backgrounds. Some are derived from our art, some from mandalas we've created, many from places we've visited, and some are just pure fun. The Zoom Backdrops portfolio is currently password protected, but if you will register using our Guestbook feature we will send you the password. Unlike the other portfolios on WAI, Zoom Backdrops are downloadable. A right-click on an image will bring up a menu permitting you to down it.

We are continuing to create new images as Zoom backdrops and will drop them into this gallery on a frequent basis so check back from time to time to see if there's something new of interest. If you click on All Portfolios in the menu at the top of this page you will have access to all the works published on our website. Only the Zoom Backdrops are downloadable, but many of the other images, particularly those in the Latest Works portfolio or the Slideshow - All Images portfolio are available on our for-sale site: Wayne Addington Images | Geo Galleries (geogalleries.com/WAIowner). The Zoom backgrounds will not be on Geo as they are available here for free.

If you see something you'd like to use please feel free to download it/them. If you see an image in another portfolio that you'd like to see configured & added as a Zoom background drop us a note in the Guestbook. Also, as you'll only too quickly see--these are not your average bookcase/fireplace/run-of-the-mill backgrounds. We would love to have feedback on what you think about them or if you use one and get feedback from others it would be nice to know that as well, so please drop us a note when you have a chance.

We hope that 2021 is healthy, safe, and just for us all. Let us all act responsibly to protect each other and our families as we sort out the new year. We'd like to think these images may bring a few smiles along the way! 

Scott & Chuck




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